I am laughing Rohan Atkinson laughing and saying..."It is a race, I am winning!". Off he goes out the door and he is stoked cos although his competetition is close on his tail, he is winning. I am in a race and I am only winning if I am doing this at least 95% so I am yet to be winning. It reminds me that I am currently in a competition. I am not performing brilliantly but I am here and I am somewaht doing it. As usual I get it right for 7/10 of the day and then I blow it. Well at least today I can say I did not have any sultanas.
Yep, I am 20 and 67 ish kilos, |
This competition has found me 5kg heavier than I have been for a while and the reality hit sets in again. I look in the mirror and my confidence is waning, I can feel the flab around my gut and I don't like it. I think to myself that it is time to set some new goals and feel the motivation and desire I need to so I can achieve something in this challenge but I am not quite in it, yet. I still want to drink my beloved wine and I even spurge on chocolate occasionally so what gives?
That is me around 65ishkg's at 25 |
Me in April 2012 |
I need to find out what motivates me. Why do I want to be 69.5kg? Is it to say I can? Is that a strong enough motivator. I Kate want to be 69.5Kg because I CAN!!! Woohoo I feel the motivators screaming and cheering. Kate Harrison got to 69.5 kilos because she could. She was ready to eliminate that miffin top feeling and strived for the goal and reached it. There I am 69.5kg light. Lets see what that looks like....
So I have shown the me's. The one to the right is me in April last year 2012 and I will take a photo of me now.
Maybe these can help motivate me a little.
Me today |