Well here I am in February recovering from a serious, what I am going to call "spiky plateau". Whoops I fell down, got up, fell down got up a few too many times. I have decided to take it on the chin and as my lovely quote next to these words says, carry on. Yesterday is gone. Time to face today and as we all know, tomorrow is a new day with may new possibilities. So with these words I am preparing for the change. I need...
1. Commitment
2, Consistency and
3. Clarity.
I am sick of trying to do this or that, I know I have said this before but...THERE IS NO TRY ONLY DO OR DO NOT or maybe DID NOT ;)... So yes, I do want to change and yes I do want to do things differently but I do not commit and I do let my silly habits get in the way. So, give me a week and I will be ready to face this head on. I will ease off the booze, I will eat less, I will consistently do my weights and I will get on with what needs to be done to create a peaceful, organised family.
Go me, yet again... Not giving in!!!