Sunday, 19 February 2012

There is no TRY, only DO or DO NOT!

Happy Monday Everyone!
I have often been one of those people who says, "I am going to try and do more of this or less of that".  "I am going to try and write in my journal everyday" or "I am going to try to eat less sugar".  Who am I kidding?  Try is such a loose and weak word.  I am reminded of what Yoda said to Luke when he was learning about using the force.  There is no TRY, only do or do not!  I have had great success when I said I DO NOT DRINK!  Prior to this statement I often said, I am going to TRY to drink less or TRY to have alcohol free days.  No wonder I failed.  Once the statement is strong and certain it is so much easier to be your word.  Try is a cop out because you can always say, "at least I tried".  But where does trying leave you?  Still a little wiser but what about if you JUST DO IT!  Ha!  There it is again.  What have you got to say for yourself?

I will DO my journal writing every day.  I DO NOT eat sultanas in the afternoon for a pick me up.  I DO set goals and visit them often.  I DO yoga often (I always used to say I will try and do more yoga).  F**k the TRY.  I will lose that word from my vocabulary.

AHA moment!!! As I am often learning the things I need to do are so simple.  I should write a book about it.  Here are three lessons I have learnt off the top of my head.

Lesson 1
Be Kate and Be my Word
Lesson 2
Know where I want to go
Lesson  3
Do or Do not, there is no TRY!

Hi to all my Blog Hopping friends.  Sorry this was a little late.  I needed focused time to get it done without "someone" always looking over my shoulder.
This is my second attempt at blog hopping.   Thanks to Kate from Kate says and Natalie from Mummy smiles for keeping up the fun!  Loving your work!

Friday, 10 February 2012

12WBT Fitness Friday – Blog Hop Kick Off

Hi Everyone welcome to my blog.  I have been using this blog to record my journey through the 12 week body transformation challenge.  I began my journey in September 2011 and successfully lost around 10kg in the Round 3 and I am 6kg away from a healthy BMI.  I aim to write about once a week and you will see I have been through an interesting journey.  I am going into a new phase now and looking forward to what is ahead of me.
I got an email from Super Ang whose blog I follow From From F**cked to Fab as the ultimate 12wber transformer speaking about blog hopping I had no idea what it was.  I have since in a Friday night haze of tiredness, tried to learn about it and see if I can join in.  Thanks to Kate from Kate says and Natalie from Mummy smiles , I am learning more about it.  I do not know you guys but  it has been nice to get to know you through your blogs.

I am a little nervous as I have not really put my blog out there that much but I thought I would put it out there a little further as a means of taking my blogging skills to another level. 

So hello everyone who has come here as part of blog hopping!  I am Kate, I’m 38 and life is great (except that I have eaten three splits this evening).  I am a working mum with two children and a busy travelling hubby.  I also study because I love it and will soon have an MEd to add to the end of my name. 

I know I need to be very diligent with my food if I am going to have a nice lean body and Michelle’s  program is slowly helping me to transform my mindsets so that I no longer feel bitter for needing to care about what goes in my body.    This is my second go at the 12wbt and up until a few days ago I wasn't going to join for another session because I felt I could achieve what I needed to do alone.  She then added running programs and that was all I needed to bring me in (that and a big medicare rebate).  I am excited about meeting more people and actually connecting better with likeminded people and sharing our journey.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Back for another round of 12WBT - this round introduction

Having now given up wine I am a new being and feeling so much clearer for it. This is my year to shine and I look forward to sharing that journey with anyone who would like to connect.

I am the perpetual dieter many of you can relate to, I do really well on challenges but usually slip back into my old patterns of mindless eating. At my heaviest after my second birth I was 115kg. I got down to 95 pretty quickly and then slowly went down to 85kg where I fluctuated from 80 – 90kg for many moons. I joined 12WBT ready to break my cycle and be a better, prouder version of me. I had got to the point where I wasn't liking much about me and after many battles I am on the other side ready to be this greater me. After 10 years on the dieting roller coaster I am pleased to be maintaining a 77kg body and will never go back to the 80’s but I am now also ready to try for the 60’s. This will be huge for me and I am excited!
All is great for me but getting better as I shed this excess weight and all that goes with it. This is my second round and I ummed and arghed about joining again because I thought it may be too distracting. I often spend time on the here (forums and website) when I should be cleaning and managing my busy household and thought it would be better not to join. I am looking hot and now feel that losing the next 8 kilos is a bit self-indulgent but decided I loved it all so much last time I would miss it. I love getting the recipes and the exercise programs are amazing. The mindset lessons always shook me around and the support crew were very helpful. I am not short on motivation and reallly feel like I am nipping a lot of demons in the bag so this round is simply to consolidate my learning, enjoy some more yummy food and get better at running. Oh and the added benefit of getting to under 70 kilos will be great too. So glad Michelle has added the running programs as this was the final decider for me and I look forward to getting into my running full of boundless strength and energy. One of my goals is to do 5 of those pistol squats, picture above.

Go us!!!