Friday, 16 March 2012

WEEK 5 - Running and goals

Well its the end of week 5 and I am hanging in there.  I have been a bit laxy daisy with my food etc and today (GET THIS)....I didn't exercise for the second day in a row for the first time in 6 months.  Slacker ???  I am not so sure.  I just could not fit it in and chose to walk into the weekend with a shorter to do list.  So there!  I am fine, really I am.  Sort of, okay, a little bugged but seriously am I really going to waste my beautiful mind on such frivolity?  Nah. All good! (SHH brain I am trying to type.)


I have been a running person for about 15 years.  I have a love hate relationship with running that I am not going to go into in much detail about here.  I love what it does for my body, I love where it takes my mind and I am grateful that I can do it.  6 months ago after recovering from 12 months of foot injuries that left me walking the hills, riding and elliptical training,  I decided it was time to run again as I had  turned into a Hefflalump.  I had run more than one hundred 10k's in my life and 3 half marathons.  I felt like I had lost my running ways and had almost convinced myself that running was not for me.

One day I woke up and decided I wanted to do something about my heavy body, fast forward 6 months and I am 15kg lighter and running with boundless strength and vitality.  I feel like I could fly. So running is back on my list and I am gearing up for an exciting season filled with 10k runs where I am aiming to just keep getting faster. Is it possible that maybe to celebrate my 40th birthday next year I could run 10k in 40 minutes??? Now there is something I never thought I could do and the mere fact that I am considering it has my head spinning.

When I first got back into running last September,  my goal was to run without stopping for an hour ( I was already fit), two weeks later (tick).  I continued to raise the bar and here I am now thinking (only thinking) maybe I could run 10k in 52 minutes!  Seriously thinking I could do it.  A year ago I would have been lucky to even make the distance (running).  So here I am putting together a game plan for my big run on Sunday at 4:30 PM at the Twilight Fun Run .  Am I aiming too high? Am I crazy??? Hey what is the worse thing that can happen? Shh brain I am planning.  I guess as I have been saying all along I am continuously surprising myself and making myself proud with what I can achieve so why not have faith and know that I will do this.  I will!!!  I am capable, trained and ready to conquer this.  Wish me luck!!! 51 something, here I come!


  1. Loving your goals Kate. 40min 10km at 40...why not?
    (won't be joining you though, that number has long since gone!)

    Good luck for Sunday :)

  2. Wow that is an awesome goal! I'm aiming for 4ks in 40 minutes ;) and that will be a massive achievement for me... baby steps and all :)
