Saturday, 16 August 2014

Tiny Habits

I  often wonder why my brain thinks the way it does and whether how I think is the same as others.  After reading that previous post I am thinking I am bizarre.  I really need to simplify this whole change thing.  Why is it so hard to change?  Why am I so preoccupied with wanting to change?  Why do many of my wanting to change things centre around weight?  How can I simply live  healthy life and be happy with where I am?

I started all this knowing that my mind had to agree that all was great but some things could be better.    We are constantly evolving aren't we?  If we are not happy with what we have how can we really get the change we need positively and successfully?  We are chasing something that is far to intangible if we are not happy where we are.  So here I am now.  Things are a bit shitty and depending on how I phrase it, it will be seen that I need to change.  I feel like I always have to change.  Why can't I be happy with where I am and just not want to change?  I am going around in circles now.

I am searching for the magical mindset.  The mindset that will send me forward in a positive directions doing things that will result in a better me.  Okay, that makes sense.  It is all about mindset.  Time for a mind shift...

We have to think about how to change successfully so here are some ideas I gathered from a quick troll around the internet.

1.  If you really want to change habits you need to start small.  One carrot at a time.  Make them seem so small they seem trivial.
2.  Habits don't start feeling "automatic" until you've done them for about 66 days straight
3.  Tiny habits is the way to start doing it..

Okay have been taken away by the internet.

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