Wednesday, 19 December 2012

I am excellent

So I am excellent, that is all there is to it.  I have been striving for excellence and I really get it right most of the time.  Why have I spent so much wasted energy focused on those rare moments when I get it less than excellent?  Lets say 90% of the time I am doing my best to eat right, exercise, be the best mum I can be, complete tasks, work hard in my job, be friendly, be kind, be focused, be organised and be helpful.  I see these things as excellence and a lot of the time I am getting it right.  So 10% of the time I don't act so excellent, I am far from appalling so what then is the alternative, a less than excellent woman.  I am not striving for perfection here, that is in the hands of the gods but I will choose excellence most of the time. In all my excellence as I sit here listening to Strauss Alpine Symphony and imagining myself hiking in the Alps, here is a poem...
I am doing it,
Doing it I am!
Yes it is glorious!
Yes it is glam.
I am doing it, doing it I am.

Sometimes I lose my way and forget about this fact.  Today I am reminding myself and in doing so perhaps I am also reminding you dear readers.  How excellent are you choosing to be today?  You might need reminding, you always have a choice.

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