Wednesday, 5 December 2012

To wine or not to wine!

At the end of the day the only person I have to live with is myself.  I was enjoying wandering around saying, "Yay  I am so cool I have gone two weeks without wine", but who am I kidding?  Am I really needing to flaunt my achievements like that,does it really help.  What happens when the next day your asked how are you going with the not drinking thing and you say. Ah I had a relapse and fell victim to the yummy wine Brett bought home.   Then, two days later, I fell vicitm to the 39 degree day and fighty children and poured myself a huge glass and gulped it down.  Ah, the noise is dulled once again.  I am so vulnerable around PMT time.  Wine makes it feel so much better and is it really that bad?  I heard someone say, it isn't really about the wine drinking for you it is all about the crap you give yourself because you drink the wine.  Ah well tonight is a new night, I am so tempted cos I have had a hard day, I have heaps to do and it energizes me, my head hurts, my throat feels better after it, the kids are fighting and it doesn't bother me so much with wine in the body.  I have so many reasons why going down to the cellar to chill a bottle would be great but one good reason not to tonight.  That is I am going to nurture the fruit of my spirit and when I wake tomorrow I know I will be a better person for it.  All is okay, relapses happen and teach you lessons.  It is okay.  You are doing great.  Whether its completely free or still having a few, it is so much better than the bottle plus you were needing and all is well.  Just remember one more thing.  It is such a waste of calories and your body is showing you that it is loving the wine free time.


  1. There goes that flexing of the willpower muscle! Good on you. I've only had one glass since starting 12wbt 3 weeks ago. I used to cook with glass in hand. Saving my next wine occasion for a Xmas dinner next Friday.

  2. Good for you Jacki and great to have a commitment. I think that is what gets me, no commitment. I haven't quite decided to be completely wine free or said, I am not going to drink for the whole 12wbt, or for 3 weeks or until so and so date so therefore I am vunerable to temptations. I might need to think about a commitment. Currently I am not even committed to staying wine free this evening but maybe if I got committed it would be easier. OOO I am having a break through. I need commitments.

  3. Oh yes! I can really relate to this post. It's not easy, and I do relapse occasionally, but yes - my body is loving wine free time. My face is less puffy and I'm sure I'm losing weight by just not drinking the 3 billion calories a week I was in wine!

  4. Hi Ingi, thank you for commenting and following me. It is nice to know you are not alone. Who the hell invented something so wonderful that is likely to only make you feel that good in the moment that you yearn for that feeling but is so damn bad for you in the long run? Ah temptations are the fruit of life I guess :)
